Monday, November 5, 2012

Neumont University Redefines Thinking

Neumont University Redefines Thinking in Tech Workforce

The current economic climate has mode two things quite clear: jobs are the most important part of creating something more stable for the future and certain industry sectors are having huge problems coping with the downfall. The tech sector is one of these struggling industries and it has been blamed on two very specific problems. The first is that many of the potential employees that are in the market for work are simply not prepared for the task. The second issue is a complete lack of female workers. While the industry has always been male-centric there is now more call than ever before to introduce a woman’s touch to this otherwise booming industry.

Leading The Education Crowd

Neumont University is leading the drive in educating the future employees of the tech industry. The school focuses solely on computer science degrees and unlike most education facilities students can complete a bachelors course in only two and a half years. This is mainly due to the fact that students work year round at this university. Another advantage that the school is quick to point out is that most of their graduates are getting jobs in the industry right away.

Part of the reason that the university is able to educate students to such high standards is that they partner with businesses like IBM and Ebay in order to give learners real world experience. There are few educational facilities that are able to boast this kind of advantage to potential students.

Neumont is leading the charge in getting more women into the tech industry as they try to change the way that computer science degrees are perceived by potential students. It has been noted that over 90 percent of graduates are employed within six months of graduating and earn on average around $60,000.

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